Hari Ibu 2014

Hari Ibu 2014

Tanggal 22 Desember diperingati sebagai Hari Ibu di Indonesia.

Kenapa saya bilang di Indonesia, karena di Amerika dan lebih dari 75 negara lain, seperti Australia, Kanada, Jerman, Italia, Jepang, Belanda, Malaysia, Singapura, Taiwan, dan Hong Kong, Hari Ibu atau Mother’s Day (dalam bahasa Inggris) dirayakan pada hari Minggu di pekan kedua bulan Mei.

Di beberapa negara Eropa dan Timur Tengah, Hari Perempuan Internasional atau International Women’s Day diperingati setiap tanggal 8 Maret.

Sejarahnya Hari Ibu 22 Desember sampai ditetapkan sebagai perayaan nasional, bisa dibaca di sini ya.


22 Des 2014, sekolah Fayra juga ikut meramaikan peringatan Hari Ibu. Tiap murid diminta untuk membuat kartu ucapan. Fayra tak ketinggalan, ikut membuat walo hanya dengan selembar kertas putih berukuran A4 yang dilipat 2. Dengan gambar depan seperti foto di atas, sementara dalamnya berisi surat seperti tampak pada foto di bawah ini:


Saya tulis ulang di sini sambil menahan air mata yang mau tumpah:

My Dear Mother

You are the best mother I ever had. I love you forever, mother.

Thanks for carry me for 9 month. I know you are so tired when I’m in your tummy.

From I’m a baby, you always take care of me for all year. And I promise when I already big, I will be a good mother.

Even sometime you angry to me, but I still will love you forever.

I promise I will never let you down. I will reach my dream.

Where and every time you always let me be the first before you.

Every time I ask you “do you care more about yourself or me?” and you always say “me”.

Sorry if my writing is to close, but all of these is the truth from the deepest of my heart.

Later when I’m big, I promise I will take care of you and myself.

You are everything to me and you know I can’t live without you, mom.

I promise I will be a good girl, not a naughty girl.

Actually I am more care about you than myself, mother.

You are the most someone I love.

You’re everything for my heart.

You always gonna be in my heart.

You are my star in the night and day.

Sorry if sometime I make you angry or I’m angry to you.

You always will be mine forever.

Terlepas dari grammar dan drama queen nya Fayra,Β meleleh gak sih bacanya? Hehehe

I love you to the bone, sweety!

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12 thoughts on “Hari Ibu 2014

  1. Aaakkk baru bacaaaaa…. Subhanallah yaa Mba , aku terharuuuu :’D semoga aku pun bisa jd Ibu yg baik untuk Aqila, kaya Mama ku dan Mba De yg bisa slalu sabaaarrr :)))

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